On Alibaba Co. goods from sellers, manufacturers and suppliers from Russia, China, CIS countries, Europe and Asia are presented. We try to provide all participants of our marketplace with the best conditions on the market for the promotion and sale of goods. Using our services allows you to achieve the most favorable prices and terms of delivery to the buyer. Our site presents a wide range of consumer goods, machinery, equipment, materials, etc. Alibaba Co. service works according to the B2A (Business to All) scheme.

Buyers of goods on our marketplace can be any individuals or legal entities with the purchase of any goods at retail from 1 pc. for own consumption or in bulk for the production of other goods, equipment or resale of purchased. We have no restrictions for all users.

Buyers can be confident in the safety of their transactions, as we provide maximum protection:
- protection when making online payments;
- protection of the transaction, with payment to the seller only after the delivery of the goods to the buyer;
- a system of identifiers to exclude unfair actions of the parties; - participation in the resolution of disputes

To protect your transactions, pay for your purchases only through the Alibaba service. If you found a product on our service, but paid for it elsewhere, we are not responsible for the possible loss of your funds due to fraudulent actions by sellers.