A seller on Alibaba can be a person of any country, a seller, supplier, manufacturer, who does not violate applicable law and the rules for using Alibaba services. Selling on Alibaba is easy and safe.
We offer full support for the promotion of your goods, materials, equipment, tools, machinery, etc. We carry out secure processing and timely receipt of payments according to your details in any of the available currencies.
We do not limit you to requirements for the forms of your business, marketing, etc., we do not put any obstacles to your direct interaction with real and potential customers, you can interact with them both directly and use any of our services, excluding dishonest actions of any of the parties to the transaction.
We offer the sale of your goods, both participating in sales and your independent sales, without interfering with your business. We do not charge a commission depending on the categories of goods, the commission is charged only on orders and for the processing of payments made through our service.
For your customers, you can sell at retail and wholesale, you can also buy wholesale and sell at retail in one place without going beyond our marketplace, our conditions for sellers on the marketplace market are the best!
Alibaba seller features:
- selling at dealer prices,
- selling goods everywhere or in certain regions,
- online chat with buyers,
- bulk loading and changing price lists,
- your delivery methods,
- direct contact with customers,
- connecting your domains,
- sales from their stores,
- a system of identifiers to protect the transaction,
- the ability to maintain your own blog,
- etc. (supplemented)
Check out our merchant guide, rates and terms for our services, and get started right now!